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What is Cryptography? An Introduction to Secure Communication

Cryptography In the modern era where most of the data is transferred digitally, secure communication has come more critical than ever as there is increased frequency of security breaches around the data. Securing the information against unauthorized access is not only required by law but also crucial in maintaining customer trust for any organization.  Cryptography comes to the rescue here and play an important role in securing the data. Cryptography is a practice of secure communication with the use of algorithms to encrypt the data and maintain data confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity. This encrypted data would only be accessible to the authorized participants.  As mentioned above, Below are the three primary objectives of cryptography.  Confidentiality - Making sure that the data is not accessible to any third parties who are not authorized.  Integrity - Preventing the data from any unauthorized modifications.  Authenticity - Validating if the data is received from the auth
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What is the importance of User Open (USROPN) in RPGLE - IBM i

User Open (USROPN) USROPN (User Open) in RPGLE provides the flexibility for the programmer to open a file at a specific point in the program execution. In this post, let's explore what is the use of a USROPN and what is the importance of USROPN and how to use it with a simple example. What is the use of USROPN? By default, any file in the RPGLE (defined in F-Spec) opens as soon as the program execution is started and file is closed at the end of the program (by setting LR indicator ON). A simple RPGLE program looks something like this on a high level with out the use of a USROPN.  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 **Free                                  Dcl-F TestFile;                                                             Setll *Start TestFile;                Read  TestFile;                       Dow   Not %Eof(TestFile);               // Operation required on a file       Read TestFile;                      EndDo;                                                                      *I