RPGPPOPT Keyword on CRTSQLRPGI I have always ignored the Keyword RPGPPOPT until I have faced the strange issue with Compiling my SQLRPGLE code which hasn't really modified for last couple of years. After a little investigation I have found that the recent upgrade has changed the default value for keyword ' RPGPPOPT ' to '*NONE'. RPG preprocessor options . . . . *NONE *NONE - The compiler is not called for preprocessing *LVL1 - The compiler is called for preprocessing to expand /COPY and handle the conditional compilation directives except the /INCLUDE directive *LVL2 - The compiler will be called for preprocessing to expand /COPY and /INCLUDE and handle the conditional compilation directives When we use CRTSQLRPGI, SQL precompiler would first validate SQL statements. However, some times the variables which are needed by the SQL statements would reside in the source code mentioned under compiler directives such as /
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