setdefault() setdefault() method returns the value from the dictionary for the key passed if already present in the dictionary. If not already present, it inserts a new entry with the key and value passed (if not passed assigns 'None' by default). There are different ways to add new key to the dictionary and to retrieve the data present in the dictionary for a specified key. How is setdefault() different from these ? Let's take an example to understand the difference better. E.g.: When working with large data sets, It becomes essential to check if a key is present in the dictionary and insert a new key if not already present. Below is one way of doing this without using setdefault() method. Check the data present in the dictionary by passing the key (with in the square brackets). Monitor for the Key Error by using try and except and assign the value to the specific key. If we don't check for the existence of key in dictionary and directly assigns the data, it wil...
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