SHA-256 (Secure Hash Algorithm - 256)
SHA-256 (Secure Hash Algorithm - 256) Hash function is one of the secure hash functions and widely used across various applications. SHA-256 is part of SHA-2 family of hash functions and developed by National Security Agency (NSA) in 2001. 256 stands for the length of the hash value generated in bits (i.e., 64 character hexadecimal value).
SHA-256 hash function is considered to be one of the secure hash function and shows significant improvement over the previous hash functions (MD5 and SHA-1). Below are couple of the significant improvements in SHA-256.
- Increased Security - Properties of SHA-256 are considerably stronger and is resistant to collision attacks, pre-image attacks and other vulnerabilities observed in the previous versions.
- Robust Hash Function - It's hash value is unpredictable and provides a high degree of resistance to collision attacks, making it suitable for use in various applications.
Let's dive into the Step-by-Step process of generating 64 character hash value using SHA-256 hash function.
Step - by - Step Process
Steps involved in generating hash using SHA-256 can be broken down into the below steps.
- Message preprocessing
- Initializing State variables
- Process Message Blocks
- Concatenating the final Hash Value
Let's dive into each of the step in detail.
Message Preprocessing
The first step in message preprocessing would be to ensure the total length of the input message (with padding added) to be in multiple of 512 bits. SHA-256 hash function works on a blocks of size 512 bits each (like most other).
Message preprocessing would typically contain three steps.
- Converting the input message into binary format (if it is not already binary).
- Padding the binary input message to ensure the length of the message is congruent to 448 modulo 512.
- Similar to the padding in MD5 and SHA-1, '1' bit is added to the end of the message and this '1' bit acts as a delimiter.
- Add the '0' bits to the binary input message until the length of the input message is congruent to 448 modulo 512.
- Add 64 bits, which indicate the actual length of the input message before any padding.
Padding is essential to ensure the total length of the input message (including padding 1 bit, 0 bit and 64 bits for length) is multiple of 512 bits. I'm not deep diving into how the padding works and calculating the number of bits to added, as this has been detailed with examples in my previous post on MD5. This can be found here.
Below is the formula for calculating the number of bits to be padded for the quick reference.
Padding Length = (448 - (Message Length + 1)%512) % 512
Let's find out the importance of 448 here, Whereas SHA-256 actually processes blocks of 512 bits size.
64 bits are to be mandatorily padded at the end of input message to indicate the length of actual input message. '512 - 64 = 448', Which would be the required length of the message after any padding ('1' bit, '0' bits). So, any input message which is congruent to 448 modulo 512 would become a multiple of 512 bits after adding it's length at the end.
Let's break down the above formula.
- Message Length: Length of the actual input message (before any padding).
- (Message Length + 1): '+1' here is to consider the mandatory delimiter '1' bit.
- Subtracting from 448: To get the actual number '0' bits to be padded.
Initializing State Variables
SHA-256 Algorithm uses eight state variables, each variable is of size 32 bits (MD5 algorithm uses 4 state variables and SHA-1 uses 5 state variables). The number of state variables depends upon the actual length of the hash (SHA-256 produces a hash value of 256 bits, with each state variable is of 32 bits, with total of 256 bits (8 * 32) with all eight state variables).
These variables are initialized with pre-determined constant values (mentioned below) and would be modified during the hash generation process. These state variables are usually referred as H0, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 and H7.
H0 = 0x6A09E667
H1 = 0xBB67AE85
H2 = 0x3C6EF372
H3 = 0xA54FF53A
H4 = 0x510E527F
H5 = 0x9B05688C
H6 = 0x1F83D9AB
H7 = 0x5BE0CD19
Initial constant values for these state variables are baselined from the (first 32 bits from) fractional parts of the square roots of the first eight prime numbers (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 and 19). These state variables are modified during the hash generation process making the internal state of these variables is random and makes it resistant to pre-image and collision attacks.
SHA-256 algorithm does various calculations on each message block during the hash generation process and at each step, these Stage variables are used to store the intermediate values.
After processing each message block, intermediate values of the Stage variables would be used as an input for the processing of next block.
Process Message Blocks
Processing the message blocks is the primary part of the whole hash generation process. In this step, each message block (of 512 bits) would be fed as an input to the SHA-256 compression function along with the 8 state variables.
Let's have a look at what the compression function does.
- The first the compression function does is to split the input message block (of 512 bits) into 16 words with each word consisting of 32 bits. These words are labelled as W[0], W[1], W[2] . . . [W15].
- Compression function uses an expansion algorithm to expand these 16 words into an array of 64 words (labelled as W[0], W[1], W[2] . . . W[63]). A combination of bitwise logical operations and modular additions are applied on the initial 16 words to expand to 64 words.
- Compression function goes through 64 rounds with each round performing a unique combination of logical, bitwise and modular operations.
- In each round, eight temporary variables (a, b, c, d, e, f, g and h) are created to hold the current state of the eight state variables, these temporary variables are updated through out the process of AND, OR and XOR logical functions, NOT bitwise function and modular addition functions. These operations are designed to introduce diffusion and confusion and to ensure any small change to the input would result in generating completely different hash.
- At the end of each round, data from the temporary variables would be moved into state variables, which would be as input variables along with next message block processing.
By the end of the processing of last message block, Eight state variables would contain the intermediate hash values which has gone through the multiple round of processing.
Final Hash Value
To get the final hash value of 256 bits, all the intermediate hash values (each of 32 bits) stored in eight state variables need to be concatenated.
Resulting hash value would contain 256 bits, which is usually represented as 64 character hexadecimal string. This hash value is unique to the input message, any simple change to the input message would result in generating completely different Hash value.
Implementing SHA-256 Hash
How to generate SHA-1 hash value for any given string? Let's look at an example in Python.
For this example we will use the module 'HashLib'. There is a function 'sha1' in HashLib which accepts the encoded input string and generates Hash value.
In the above example,
- Line - 6: Input string needs to encoded. This can be done using the string method encode().
- Line - 8: Encoded input string to be passed to the function sha256(), this returns the HASH object.
- Line - 10: Method 'hexdigest()' can be used on the HASH object to get the Hexadecimal Hash value.
Below is the sample result.
Any minor change to the input string would result in generating a completely different Hash value. Below is the hash value with the same string by converting 'S' to lower case.
Use Cases
SHA-256 is considered to be one of the secure hash function and is used in various domains. Below listed are few of the many use cases.
- Data Integrity Verification
- Digital Signatures
- Password Storage
- Blockchain Technology
- Secure File Hashing
- Secure Communication
I hope this post has provided a good insight on what is a SHA-256 hash function and how we can generate Hash using SHA-256 algorithm in Python.
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